Heikin Ashi
Heikin Ashi, also known as Heiken-Ashi, is a popular type of candlestick chart used in technical analysis to smooth out price fluctuations and provide a clearer view of the overall trend. Heikin Ashi charts are calculated using a modified formula and are typically represented using a different set of candlestick shapes. Here’s how Heikin Ashi
Amibroker vs Metatrader 4 for Charting
Amibroker vs Metatrader 4 for Charting Metatrader 4 and Amibroker both are best charting platform with some different we share some details . Amibroker and Metatrader 4 or MT4, both Technical analysis Platform found for financial analysis, which primary used for technical analysis in financial instruments, like equity spot and future, commodity and forex. These
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